Written By Jeffrey Cartwright, Shoreview Managing Partner | 9 min read
There was a clear opportunity to save millions of dollars annually with little to no transition costs. No one could have seen the global pandemic coming, but the leadership of this particular company failed to make changes when there were drastic shifts in internal dynamics. This begs the question of why. The answer lies with a change in organizational responsibility for sourcing of products.
Unlike the mistaken marketing team members from above, at Shoreview we are very aware that there are several distinct strategies for sourcing products. The first involves work at qualifying factories early on and developing set cost structures. The second and third assume that those involved in sourcing are selecting products from sources with well-established capabilities.
The first strategy, Strategic Sourcing, is the process of identifying the best factories based upon product capabilities and landed cost. It requires exploring various countries and logistics. In the case of furniture in China, this was done decades ago. Once qualified factories have been established, it is just a question of picking and choosing products and asking for minor updates. The difficult work of qualifying factories, establishing pricing parameters, and developing import processes has been completed and is no longer a consideration. Typically, strategic sourcing is accomplished by supply chain professionals, such as those at Shoreview, partnering with engineers. Subsequent choosing of product from a qualified source does not require the same skill set.
A second strategy for some companies is Ordinary Sourcing. This strategy is somewhat different. It is based upon many factories being available, and the objective is to locate the factory based upon attending trade shows or using internet services like Alibaba. In this case, the product has been designed in advance, and finding an existing source willing to manufacture this product at a competitive price is the objective. This is the simplest form of sourcing as it is a search among existing known possibilities and is somewhat like selecting from a catalogue.
A third strategy for some companies is ordinary Sourcing. This strategy is different. It is based upon many factories being available and the objective is to locate the factory based upon attending trade shows or traveling on trade missions. In this case, the product has been designed and decided in advance and finding an existing source willing to manufacture this product at a competitive price is the objective. This is the simplest form of sourcing as it is a search among existing alternatives and is somewhat like selecting from a catalogue.
Most marketing organizations which cater to consumer tastes (such as clothing, jewelry, or furniture) are fully competent in selecting products or modifying existing products to meet or create consumer desires. These product lines, which are typically characterized by high margins and not having competitive costs, are not as important when securing the best product. Therefore, as long as the supply chain is mature and functioning well, the company can thrive with marketing-leading sourcing.
However, for those with less mature supply chains and smaller margins, involving a supply chain organization in the sourcing process with competitive bidding is oftentimes viewed as both unnecessary and an intrusion on control. While this can be true when every element of the supply chain is well-developed, and the latter can be viewed as a limitation on choice, marketing leading sourcing is absolutely a mistake if the company needs to pursue margin improvement through cost reduction. Marketing leaders have not been historically involved or trained in factory qualification and competitive bidding processes. However, the ability to yield a degree of control and shared decision-making is viewed as a loss of status and prestige for the marketing executives.
Given the potential of future disruptions of global supply chains from such things as armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine or China and Taiwan, there is a compelling need to move away from China and to embrace re-shoring or nearshoring. Taking into consideration that global economics have changed, there may be an opportunity to lower costs. Being closer to the US market also results in shorter supply chains, which require less inventory investments, and enhances the ability to respond faster to changes in demand.
Had the furniture company decided to source from Mexico before the pandemic, they would have saved millions of dollars during the shifting global environment. Also, it would have avoided the worst effects of the major disruptions brought on by the global pandemic. Product costs would have been stable, and the supply of product assured. As it turned out, the desire for marketing to “control” the sourcing of product and ignore the potential savings had catastrophic results, and the company no longer exists. Whether or not there was a breach of fiduciary responsibility by the chief executive officer is a decision for the courts.
The United States has had many companies which failed to adapt to the previous major shifts in global economics or technology. The Rust Belt has many shuttered buildings where once thriving manufacturing companies did not react to the rise of China as a low-cost alternative for products. Many executives thought that they were protecting their workforces by not upgrading equipment or selectively importing components from a new supply chain to ensure their products remained globally cost-competitive. It is not difficult to develop a long list of Fortune 500 companies that have failed due to shifts in supply chain economics. The difference between those former times and now is that there is a very compelling alternative to China. This furniture company failed to grasp it. Its shareholders, debt holders, and former employees paid the price for the wrong decision by the executive team.
Re-Sourcing from China to another country is a strategic decision. It involves great effort, and there are difficulties to overcome. That being said, Re-Sourcing to another Southeast Asian country like Vietnam or Thailand is less complicated, as the Chinese culture extends into those countries, and oftentimes the factory in China will facilitate the change. The existing culture within the company should be successful in implementing these changes, as it does not threaten the cultural patterns which have been established over the years.